German Posters in English

You Talking to Me?

On April 1, 1933—only two months after Hitler became German Chancellor, and five years before Kristallnacht—the Nazis organized a nationwide boycott of Jewish businesses. And they made sure that shoppers got the message.

Boycott in English and GermanLarge posters adorning shop windows or held by Nazi Brownshirts declared: “Germans, don’t buy from Jews” (Deutsche, kauft nicht bei Juden). The word “Jude” or large stars of David (or both) were painted on the windows of Jewish-owned businesses. 

The intimidation was not limited to retail shops. Guards blocked the practices of Jewish doctors and lawyers, and Jewish lawyers and judges in some cities were removed from courtrooms.

Most of the posters were written in German, but some contained an English translation.

Germans Defend Yourselves

Why English?

Shortly after the Nazis assumed power, an anti-Nazi boycott was begun in several western countries.





The German boycott was apparently aimed at these countries, in their own language.

The boycott in Germany lasted only one day. ###

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