The Contenders:
“As a Jew…” v “We the undersigned….”
The Contest:
Mirror mirror on the wall/Who is the smarmiest of us all?
“As a Jews” have an at-best tenuous link to the Jewish religion but invoke it cynically and dishonestly in political discussions. (On questionnaires I suspect most of them fill in the Religion line with ‘none’ or ‘atheist’)
“We the undersigneds” are superficially secular but are actually as faith-based as the “As a Jews,” maybe more so.
Obediently following the progressive line—”No enemies on the left”—they demand ‘rights’ and ‘justice’ for the Palestinians.
If, once, they could actually provide rational and compelling evidence—which rights, which injustices, and crucially, who is truly culpable?—instead of periodically repeating, mantra-like, these buzz words, the case would be closed. They could declare victory, and spare us their blooming letters.
Anti-Israel leftists insist on key emotive words—rights; justice; ethnic cleansing; pinkwashing—and the self-styled progressive flock intones them, in letter after letter after letter. Their obedience is sheep-like, and why not: they have much to lose. Express one doubt, make one false move, and your fellow progressives label you a ‘fascist.’ You are drubbed out.
Mirror Mirror Contest result: Dead heat.
Next contest: Big prizes for anyone who correctly guesses tomorrow’s new progressive buzzword.